Tuesday, November 18, 2014


The Psalmist king David is well known for his ministry as a worshipper and lover of praise. No one mention in the bible displays the hunger and thirst for Gods presence more than David. One of the things not mention to often is David's passion for the word of God. And in Ps 119 David pays tribute for his love of the word of God. In this Psalm there are 8 basic words to describe the scriptures, Gods written revelation to us.
LAW , WORD , JUDGEMENT , TESTIMONIES , COMMANDMENTS , STATUES , PRECEPTS , and WORD again. King David says " Open thou my eyes , that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. " Ps 119:18.
David says although I am a worshipper and have an anointing on my life , and sense His presence daily , "Lord I need you to" "OPEN MY EYES" and enable me to see the wonders, the gems, the nuggets, the secrets that are in your word. He says maybe there is something I might have missed , overlooked , and it's spoken in plain view , so God open my spirit and reveal to me what I don't see in the natural concerning your word.
I don't need a new revelation help me to see and unmask the revelation you have unveiled already unto me. "OPEN MY EYES"!!

Monday, January 30, 2012


David the shepherd boy goes through his daily routine caring for the sheep and at the same time giving honor and glory to God. God is preparing this man among sheep, animals that cannot speak, know one is aware of what God is doing and I believe David isn't aware of what God is up to. This is the place God has chosen to develope David's anointing and character among dumb sheep. The prophet Samuel is sent to David's house by God to anoint a king, David's father Jesse neglects to invite him to the dinner , but God refuses to release his anointing until David shows up. The bible says " Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethrern: and the spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward "1SAMUEL 16:13. "WHAT A DECREE" to make over a persons life. You know the story David defeats Goliath and his life was changed over night. But it started in the field of obscurity with no one around, no one to pat him on the back, no one to tell him how wonderful he was, the only thing David had to keep him going was his praise. And it took him from the pasture to the palace. But David was ready are you?  Trust in God that he wants to bless you overnight, only God can take you from obscurity to notoriety in a moments time and it's on the wings of praise!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


One of the things in this life that we try so hard to avoid is death, and it doesn't matter what kind of death it is, we don't want any parts of it.  One of the things about death that we don't like is its finality; it is the end of this life.  The world embraces this point of view: that death means life is over.

And it is true if you die without Christ in your life "IT'S OVER".  You will spend eternity separated from God in eternal fire and, "WHO WANTS TO EXPERIENCE THAT?" Our story in St. John tells us about the man Lazarus whom Jesus loves is sick; this situation was grave because Martha and Mary put emphasis on the fact that Jesus loved Lazarus.  Hurry and come and see your sick friend is told by the messenger. The response of Jesus is: it's not unto death, but for the glory of God!! 

Jesus stays where he is for two more days!  Have you ever had that experience?  You are waiting on the Lord and he doesn't come right away??!!  But wait... there is a greater good on the way.  The day Jesus got the message, Lazarus was already dead.  Could you imagine the response the messenger got when he told Mary and Martha what Jesus said: "this sickness is not unto death?”  The fact of the matter is if you die in Christ you will never die, and this is the message he told Martha, "And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.  Believeth thou this?"  (St. John 11:26)

Jesus heads to the grave of Lazarus to perform his greatest miracle – he resurrects Lazarus from the dead.  There are situations in your life that seem dead and there’s no life in them; year after year dealing with the same old dead situation.  But there is GOOD NEWS!  Jesus Christ who resurrects dead things is about to breathe on your situation and give it life. 

The death of some things is associated with his glory; he said “I let it die for the glory.”  I let it get good and dead like Lazarus; Lord by now he stinks!  In other words if I tried to bring it back to life I would just mess it up!  Let God do it. When he rises you up it will be for his GLORY. Maybe it's a business, a relationship, a healing, or a job, God will bring it back to life for his GLORY!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Here we are in another year!!   It's so refreshing to put away the past, and look forward to the future.  Every year people make 'New Year's Resolutions' - you know: the things they're going to change because it's a New Year.  Some of these may be on your list;  to stop smoking, to lose weight, a job change or career change, relationship changes and an attitude change.

The New Year helps people to reflect and think about starting over.  That's what God does, he "allows us to start over."  "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; and behold, all things are become new."  (II COR. 5:17)

Becoming a believer in Christ allows you to start over, to have a spiritual refreshing.  Jesus said "Ye must be born again."  (John 3:7). Everyone wants a chance to make things better and accepting Jesus Christ allows you to start over.   Christianity is the only religion that allows you to start over:  it will go into your past and change your present and your future.

This is a great time to ignite your passion for the things of God!  (Jude 1:3) "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that YE SHOULD EARNESTLY CONTEND FOR THE FAITH WHICH WAS ONCE DELIVERED UNTO THE SAINTS!!!

Monday, December 26, 2011


  • In a season of receiving gifts this is a time of the year that people feel the most alone and left out.  Around this holiday season people who feel left alone are more likely to commit suicide. Our society has forgotten the meaning of what this season is all about, not receiving but giving. St.John 3:16 " For God so loved the world that he gave" not received but gave, and thats what this season is all about" giving". Make sure to give of yourself this season.

Monday, December 19, 2011


The apostle Paul sits in his cell in prison in the twilight of his life alone and by himself. This awesome man of God who went around the known world 3 times preaching and starting churches, the bible says " so that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus , both Jews and Greeks" ACTS 19:10.) In 2 Timothy chapters 1 & 4 the apostle Paul writes to Timothy a list of men who forsook him . In verse 10 Paul mentions a man named Demas and how he  had forsaken him for he loved the world. Demas is mentioned in Colossians 4:14 and Philemon 1:24 as one of Paul's fellowlaborers, but forsook him to go back into the world " it literally means the now age". Doesn't that sound like the church of today? Then in chapter 1 verse 15 the apostle gives 2 more names of men who turned their back on him , PHYGELLUS and HERMOGENES are in the bible for being unfaithful what an indictment. Even though these men deserted Paul he had one who was faithful ONESIPHORUS stood by Paul and wasn't ashamed that he was in prison. ONESIPHORUS=HELP-BRINGER and when he showed up he refreshed the apostle, he was like a breathe of fresh air, relief,reviving and refreshing. Instead of bringing trouble pain and confusion he brought HELP in a time it was needed. For Paul was facing execution and needed the gift of helps= aid, an attendant, some one to carry the load, this man ONESIPHORUS was a help-bringer that refreshed Paul in a very trying time. Who have you refreshed in a time they really needed it? Or brought help to someone's in their hour of desperation!! Do something nice in this season and REFRESH SOMEONE!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Caleb stands before Joshua and revisits the past forty years how God spoke to them in Kadesh-barnea to espy out the land. The next phrase in verse 7 that Caleb uses is what took him through forty years of the wilderness,"and I brought him word again as it was in mine heart". This is one of the reasons Caleb made it through the wilderness the other was "he wholly followed the Lord". Following the Lord can be very difficult just ask Caleb, who wandered in the wilderness for forty years following a word from the Lord that was in his heart. It was that same word that enabled Caleb and Joshua to stand up against ten evil reports and say we can possess the land Num.13:30). The bible mentions five times Num. 32:12, Deut. 1:36, Josh. 14:8-9 and 14:14 that Caleb followed the Lord. In Numbers 14:24 it says about Caleb "But my servant Caleb, because he had "ANOTHER SPIRIT" with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he went; and his seed shall possess it". This is the word that was in his heart, that took him through forty years in the wilderness. When family and friends died off even leaders MOSES, MIRIAM AND AARON Caleb continued to follow the Lord. There is one interesting point about Caleb his name means"DOG", have you ever had a dog follow you? Are they not relentless, incessant and resolute, they won't give up!! And this is the spirit Caleb had "ANOTHER SPIRIT "  that gave him the ability to follow the Lord. If you don't give up on following the Lord, he will take you through your wilderness and other people's faith will die off but you will remain , because you decided to "FOLLOW THE LORD".